Academic Catalog
General Studies Requirements
All students seeking their first baccalaureate degree from Northern Arizona University and graduate under the provisions of the 2025-2026 or subsequent NAU Undergraduate Catalogs must take thirty-four to thirty-five (34 - 35) units of General Studies coursework. Students will take courses to satisfy the Foundation and Knowledge Area and Inclusive Perspectives requirements.
Foundation Requirements
- English Composition (minimum of 4 units)
- Mathematics (minimum of 3 units)
Knowledge Area Requirements
- American Institutions (minimum of 3 units)
- Arts and Humanities (minimum of 9 units)
- Scientific Literacy and Methods (minimum of 9 units)
- Scientific Literacy - Natural Sciences (minimum of 3 units) AND
- Scientific Literacy - Social Sciences (minimum of 3 units) AND
- Scientific Methods (3 - 4 units)
- Social and Political Worlds (minimum of 6 units)
Inclusive Perspectives Requirements
Students need to take three designations (minimum of 9 units) of Inclusive Perspectives coursework within their Knowledge Area course selections, including:
- Global Perspectives (minimum of 3 units)
- Indigenous Peoples Perspectives (minimum of 3 units)
- U.S. Ethnic Perspectives (minimum of 3 units)
Make sure to choose classes from the approved list of General Studies Courses with the help of an academic advisor. A cross-listed course may only be counted once for its designation(s). Many General Studies courses also fulfill both Knowledge Area and Inclusive Perspectives requirements. Be sure to look for those courses.
Up to 9 units of major prefix courses may be used to satisfy General Studies requirement; these same courses may also be used to satisfy major requirements. Courses used for General Studies Knowledge Areas and Inclusive Perspectives can have the same prefix as your minor.
If the student catalog is prior to 2025-2026, the student should follow the policies for the Liberal Studies Program and Diversity Requirements. See NAU Policy 100216: Liberal Studies Requirements.
Completion of General Studies Foundation Requirements
All undergraduate degree-seeking students are expected to fulfill the university's General Studies Foundation Areas in English and Mathematics by the time they have accumulated 60 hours of credit, including coursework completed at NAU and coursework accepted for transfer to NAU.
Any student who has more than 60 hours of credit and has not fulfilled the English foundation requirement must enroll in an English course that fulfills the requirement or an appropriate prerequisite course and continue to do so every semester until the requirement is met. If there are scheduling conflicts detrimental to the student's academic progress, enrollment in the appropriate English course may be deferred to the subsequent semester.
Any student who has more than 60 hours of credit and has not fulfilled the mathematics foundation requirement must enroll in a course that fulfills the requirement or an appropriate prerequisite course and continue to do so every semester until the mathematics requirement is met. If there are scheduling conflicts detrimental to the student's academic progress enrollment in the appropriate mathematics course may be deferred to the subsequent semester.
Junior-Level Writing (JLWR) and Senior Capstone
There are two university requirements designed to meet the aims and goals of the General Studies program that are embedded in the academic major. They are a junior-level writing course and a senior capstone experience. These courses are designed to build upon learning and skills developed through General Studies and the major.
Junior-Level Writing Course
These courses are designated with a W at the end of the course number. Junior-level writing courses engage students in the writing process in the context of a discipline or profession.
Senior Capstone
These courses are designated with a C at the end of the course number. Capstone courses are culminating experiences in the major that involve students in application, synthesis, practice, or injury. For more detailed information on the General Studies Program and its requirements, see the General Studies page.
General Studies Substitution
Request to substitute a transfer course for a General Studies course. Form must be completed by an NAU advisor.
Exception: Capstone and JLWR substitutions or waivers are approved by your advisor, the chair of your department, and the associate dean of your college or school. See NAU Policy 100801: Requirements for Baccalaureat Degrees for detailed information.