Academic Policies
Click the column headings to sort
Policy Title (click title to view)
Begin Date
Future Versions (click if shown) |
100333 |
Excess Credit Hours, Undergraduate
2/3/2020 |
100701 |
Exceptions to Residency Requirements
5/7/2019 |
100308 |
Enrolling in Undergraduate Courses
6/1/2012 |
100307 |
Enrolling in Graduate Courses
6/1/2012 |
100306 |
Early Course Enrollment
6/1/2012 |
100203 |
Dual Majors, Undergraduate (Definitions)
6/7/2012 |
100204 |
Dual Degrees, Undergraduate (Definitions)
6/14/2017 |
100215 |
Diversity Requirements
9/24/2013 |
100314 |
Departmental Restrictions on Degree Requirements, Undergraduate
6/7/2012 |
100209 |
Definition of a Term
7/1/2018 |
100217 |
Credit for U.S. Military Service
2/25/2020 |
100318 |
Course Repeat, Graduate
8/27/2024 |
100223 |
Course Numbering and Prefixes
7/9/2019 |
100316 |
Course Loads and Overloads, Undergraduate
4/26/2022 |
100324 |
Course Loads and Overloads, Graduate
8/11/2024 |
100814 |
Course Credits/Units of Credit
7/29/2019 |
100326 |
Continuous Enrollment, Graduate
10/30/2020 |
100304 |
Catalog to Use for Academic Plan Requirements
10/30/2020 |
100116 |
Bachelor/Juris Doctor 3+3 program
2/9/2017 |
100225 |
Awarding a Posthumous Degree
3/14/2015 |
100303 |
Auditing a Course
6/1/2012 |
100335 |
Attendance Requirements, Graduate
8/11/2024 |
100317 |
Applying for Re-Admission, Undergraduate
10/30/2020 |
100338 |
Applying for Graduation, Undergraduate
1/5/2021 |